
Delivery Policy | The Learning College Group

Policy Statement

  1. The college aims to ensure that all the courses being taught are delivered using the most effectual mode/s enabling students to learn about and gain skills & interest in their course.
  2. The purpose of this policy is to establish clear college guidance for the tutors on the delivery of the course/s and to make sure that sufficient information and resources are available to meet the college aims mentioned in paragraph 1.1.

Key Principles

  1. The Learning College is committed to ensuring that standards of course delivery are up to mark. The college uses the course delivery contents provided by the awarding bodies, if not, then by developing its own delivery contents following the guidelines provided by the awarding bodies which makes sure that all the learning outcomes will be achieved.

It is our policy to ensure that:

  1. A most recent copy of the accredited course curriculum/endorsed training package and information regarding the program, availability of learning resources and appropriate support services are available to students as appropriate.
  2. No copyrighted material from the awarding bodies is released to unauthorized sources without consent.
  3. Training and assessment occur in accordance with the requirements of the accredited course.
  4. The tutors delivering a course at The Learning College meet the awarding body criteria for delivering that program.
  5. The tutor uses different and effective mediums to achieve the teaching goals; these mediums may possibly include:
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Videos
  • Creative activities in the class
  • Quiz challenges
  • Student presentations
  • Group discussions etc.
  • All the learning outcomes have been met.
  • The tutor gives ethical and moral examples and handouts to students.

Implementation responsibility

The Head of Centre is responsible for the implementation of this policy.


Since the college delivers courses affiliated and awarded by the awarding bodies. However, if there are some necessary changes required in the course contents, the college will formally write to the awarding body suggesting the changes. It is still on sole discretion of the awarding body to review the course.

Policy Review

5.1 This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis in accordance with legislative developments and the need for good practice, using the local consultation/negotiating arrangements within the college. The Director for the College will be the responsible person to make sure that the policy is updated and circulated as per requirements