National Careers Week 2023 runs between the 6th and 11th of March with the aim of promoting the importance of good career choices in schools and colleges. 

National Careers Week

This week your school is likely to be holding some form of event or class to discuss career opportunities with students (maybe not in primary schools, but certainly in secondary schools and colleges). While there will be ongoing advice and support throughout the year, this week we see a positive push in ensuring the young people of the future make the right decisions for their careers. 

More Than Just Students

This week offers advice and food for thought to more than just the students within your school. It also has your team considering whether they are currently happy within their role. This means that not only your Teachers but also your Teaching Assistants and Support Staff will be considering their options. Whether they include advancing to the next level in their career, or making a more permanent move.

While this is possibly at the forefront of their minds, it’s worth spending some time understanding what you can do to make them stick around. While we understand that budgets are tight, and a pay rise may not be on the cards, making small investments in your team can still help them to feel valued. Consider an additional online qualification to help them increase their knowledge at the same time?

Recruitment Support

Here at The Learning College we also offer recruitment support through our partners. Whether this is to help you fill spaces within your schools, or for you as an individual looking for a new role in a new school. If you require more information, please contact the team directly who will be happy to assist you.