Qualification Title: TQUK Level 3 Diploma for Early Years Care and Education (Early Years Educator) RQF
The purpose of this qualification is to support learners seeking to work within an early year setting. This qualification meets the requirements of the Department for Education and Ofsted and fulfils the qualification element of Early Years Educator Status and the Level 3 ratio status. Learners will gain the knowledge and skills required to be proficient and competent as an Early Years Educator, allowing them to work as qualified educators with children from birth to five years. The qualification covers topics such as:
- child development and learning
- health, safety, and wellbeing
- safeguarding and inclusion
- professional practice
- transition and attachment
- communication and partnership
Please Note:
There is no requirement to have studied a Level 2 previously. You can study the Level 3 Diploma without prior experience or knowledge. You will however need to have a placement in a Nursery in order for your ‘observations’ to be completed.
Who is it for?
Designed for learners who work with or wish to work with children from birth to 5 years of age in a nursery setting.
The Qualification Details:
Qualification reference number – 610/3598/1
This qualification is:
Verify our qualification directly on the Government website ‘OFQUAL’ for your own piece of mind clicking the ‘AutoVerify’ image below:

Have any further questions? Call us today on 01785 336464 and speak to our qualified course Advisers.
Units Covered
Unit 1– Understand development of babies and young children
- Understand the expected rate of development of babies and young children
- Understand theory and philosophy of child development
Unit 2 – Prepare young children for the transition to school
- Understand the early years framework and how it prepares children for school
- Understand the role of the Early Years Educator in preparing a child’s transition from the early years setting and into school
- Be able to prepare young children for school readiness
Unit 3 – Safeguarding and child protection in the early years
- Understand legislation, guidelines, policies, and procedures in relation to safeguarding of babies and young children
- Understand child protection in the early years
- Understand the process and importance of whistleblowing in the early years
- Be able to keep babies and young children safe and secure in the setting
Unit 4 – Promote the health, safety and welfare of babies and young children
- Understand legislation and statutory guidelines in relation to health and safety in the early years
- Understand food safety practice in the early years
- Be able to support children who are unwell and minimise the spread of infection
- Be able to manage risk in the early years setting
- Be able to apply hygienic practice in the early years
- Understand the importance of safe medication procedures in the setting
Unit 5 – Support the physical care, health and wellbeing of babies and young children in early years settings
- Be able to promote safe and healthy eating in the early years setting
- Be able to promote oral health with young children
- Be able to support physical activity within the early years
- Be able to support babies and young children with physical care routines
Unit 6 – Promote equality, diversity and inclusive practice in early years settings
- Understand legislation in relation to equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Be able to promote equity and inclusion within the early years setting
Unit 7 – Support self-regulation, emotional wellbeing and positive behaviour within the early years
- Understand co-regulation and self-regulation in the early years
- Understand strategies to promote regulation in young children
- Understand how to promote emotional wellbeing and positive behaviour in the early years
- Be able to support young children to understand and regulate their emotions and behaviour
- Be able to support children’s emotional wellbeing in the early years setting
Unit 8 – Support children with special educational needs and disability
- Understand legislation in relation to special educational needs and disability
- Be able to support children with special educational needs and disability within own setting
- Be able to work with others to support babies and young children with special educational needs and disability
- Be able to implement the graduated approach to support babies and young children with additional support needs
Unit 9 – Promote positive attachments in early years settings
- Understand attachment in the early years
- Understand the role of the practitioner in promoting positive attachments
- Be able to promote positive attachments in the setting
Unit 10 – Support babies and young children through transitions and significant life events
- Understand the impact of transitions and significant life events on babies and young children
- Be able to implement strategies to support babies and young children through transitions and significant events
Unit 11 – Promote purposeful play activities within early years settings
- Understand the importance of play in the early years
- Plan for purposeful play in the indoor environment
- Plan for purposeful play in the outdoor environment
Unit 12 – Develop early literacy, reading and mathematical skills within young children
- Understand how to plan and implement a curriculum suitable for the needs of the children in the setting
- Be able to plan activities that promote the emergent literacy skills of babies and young children
- Be able to plan activities that promote the emergent mathematics skills of babies and young children
- Be able to implement a phonics programme within the early years
Unit 13 – The role of assessment in early years and child development
- Understand the importance of assessment in the early years
- Be able to use knowledge of children’s learning and development needs to adapt practice
Unit 14 – Effective record keeping and information sharing in the early years
- Understand the importance of following guidelines regarding record keeping and confidentiality of information
- Be able to maintain and share records
- Understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality
Unit 15 – Promoting effective partnership in early years settings
- Understand the importance of partnership working with parents and/or carers in the early years
- Be able to work in partnership with parents
- Be able to work with management and colleagues within the setting
- Be able to work in partnership with other agencies
- Be able to work as an advocate for babies and young children
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of government bodies
Unit 16 – Professional practice and developing as an early year’s educator
- Be able to adhere to the professional behaviours and standards of the early year’s professional
- Be able to engage in coaching, supervision, and reflective practice for professional development
Unit 17 – Promote speech, language and communication in the early years
- Understand how to promote speech, language, and communication in the early years
- Be able to create an environment that promotes the speech, language, and communication of babies and young children
- Be able to work with others to support children with speech, language, and communication needs
- Be able to communicate effectively with children
Requirements to register onto this qualification:
- Work with the following age groups (you must work with or have access to all age ranges, if not a 2nd placement will be required to fulfil the requirements):
- Babies (0-11 months)
- Toddlers (1-2 years 11 months)
- Pre-school (3-5 years)
- Aged 16 and above
- Work within an OFSTED registered setting such as:
- Day nursery
- Pre-school
- School nursery
- Reception class
- Childminders/ home-based childcare
Your assessments will consist of multiple written assignments, observations and expert witness statements. Assignments include written essays, leaflets and posters. Observations will be carried out by a member of The Learning College Assessment Team at your choice of placement. The expert witness statements will be completed by your chosen mentor at your placement.
What is expected of you and your placement?
Throughout the qualification, you will need to complete 350 hours of placement with the ages 0-5 years.
You will need to attend review meetings every 2 months online with your assessor from The Learning College, along with your mentor at your placement.
UK. Upon verification of the activities, exercises and assignments, a certificate of achievement will be awarded by TQUK (giving you a fully recognised qualification in Early Years), as confirmation that your written work and observations has met all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the course.
Please note: There is no examination required for this course only workplace observations.
Study Time
What is expected of you and your placement?
Throughout the qualification, you will need to complete 350 hours of placement with the ages 0-5 years.
You will need to attend review meetings every 2 months online with your assessor from The Learning College, along with your mentor at your placement.
*Please ensure you allow enough time to complete within this time period*