The Learning College Safeguarding Policy

1.    Policy Statement

The Learning College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of its learners.  We fully recognise that it is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that all learners are safe and feel safe in the college environment.

This Policy is most significant for teaching staff who are particularly well placed to observe learners in relation to signs of abuse, harm and changes in behaviour.

This Policy brings together all of the relevant procedures for safeguarding, and has particular reference to: safe recruitment; reporting safeguarding issues; establishing a safe environment; promoting safeguarding in the curriculum.

2.    Roles and Responsibilities

The college will ensure that all relevant procedures and recommendations set out by The Learning College Safeguarding Children Board (DSCB) will be followed to:

    • Ensure there is a designated senior member of staff for safeguarding who has received appropriate training and support for this role.  This training will be updated at required intervals.  The designated Safeguarding Officer is Annalise Hyde Centre Manager  The Safeguarding Officer will ensure there is a clearly identifiable, easily accessed, referral process.
    • Ensure all members of staff and the College know the names of the Safeguarding Officer.
    • Ensure all members of staff understand their responsibilities in referring any concerns to the Safeguarding & Learner Coordinator.
    • Ensure all staff receive training to the required level which is updated as required.  Records of safeguarding training to be kept centrally by the Safeguarding Officer.
    • Ensure all relevant Safeguarding procedures are kept up-to-date in line with legislation and DSCB recommendations.
    • Develop effective links with relevant agencies and cooperate as required with requests.
    • Attend Safeguarding meetings and Case Conferences.
    • Keep written records of reported Safeguarding issues.
    • Ensure all records are kept securely.
    • Provide a termly report on safeguarding to the Corporation.

3.    Ethos

The Learning College recognises the importance of learners feeling safe, and feel they are in an environment to disclose abuse.  The college will endeavour to support learners by:

    • Ensuring the content of the curriculum, particularly tutorials include relevant information and content.
    • Providing a positive secure environment where learners feel valued and supported.
    • Implementing a code of conduct to which learners sign up.

4.    Recruitment

Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education came into force on 1 January 2011 and updated in 2012.  All staff employed in the Personnel department undertake training to ensure current best practice is implemented this training is regularly updated.  The college has adopted all of the recommendations for safer recruitment, selection, induction and ongoing professional updating and development.  The same rigorous processes are applied to both employed and voluntary staff.

5.    Safe Working Practices

The Learning College has developed procedures for Codes of Practice for staff to understand and agree in relation to professional conduct with learners.

All staff have access to the College safeguarding practices included in staff induction pack.

The Learning College has fully operational Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.

6.    Safeguarding Procedures

The Learning College has comprehensive safeguarding procedures.

7.    Record Keeping

All safeguarding records are kept centrally and securely by the designated Safeguarding Officer.  Staff are aware that they must report all safeguarding issues to the Safeguarding & Learner Conduct Coordinator.

8.    Allegations against Members of Staff

The Learning College recognises that when allegations are made regarding behaviour by staff which may harm a learner, clear procedure must be followed.

9.    Working with other Agencies

The Learning College recognises the importance of multi-agency working.  Whilst the college is not, legally, an investigating agency it is essential that safeguarding issues are adhered through agreed procedures.

10. Radicalisation

The Learning College monitors online chat and forums for any racial comments and radicalisation behaviour.